Inlays and onlays make it possible for you to restore a healthy and natural-looking smile. An alternative to larger fillings or crowns, dental inlays and onlays are placed in or on the teeth, depending on the extent of the damage, and can be used to replace an old filling or repair teeth that have been damaged by decay or trauma.
What are Inlays and Onlays made of?
Inlays and onlays can be made of resin or porcelain. They are often used to replace old amalgam fillings in those looking for a more attractive and natural-looking alternative. Resin and porcelain inlays and onlays can be stained to match your natural teeth so that they blend in seamlessly.
Inlays and onlays are long-lasting and more durable than white fillings. In general, they are placed where a very large white filling would be placed in order to achieve the desired strength and longevity for the tooth.
What is the procedure like?
Before placing an inlay or onlay, the dentist will remove any decay from the tooth in preparation for the restoration. This is then followed by taking a mould of your teeth, from which your custom inlay or onlay will be created.
What are the benefits of inlays and onlays?
Inlays and Onlays offer many benefits. They can restore a tooth’s health without compromising appearance or without having to resort to a more invasive procedure. They are bound to the tooth in a way that leaves little room for bacteria to enter, preventing further decay.
As such, they also help to protect your damaged tooth from cold and heat which can lead to pain. And since the application of inlays and onlays requires no recovery time, you are able to get back to your routine right away while looking your best.